Blog Archives

Communications notes: New Facebook timeline is a great feature

Complaining about Facebook changes is a new national pastime.

This week, Facebook has finally launched its Timeline service.

Users have seven days to adopt changes before the feature becomes alive for everyone.

You may not like all of Facebook’s changes, but this one is amazing.

The service tracks all of your posts, adds notes on when you joined Facebook and most importantly allows you to document and share pictures and big events throughout your life.

You can sign up for the service here.

For more information about Facebook Timeline, Mashable has a fascinating Facebook Timeline guide.

– Speaking of Facebook, are you getting all of your e-mails through the service? Peter Shankman has a great blog post about this.

– Want to hear a great podcast? My two picks for most-listen tech podcasts are Digital 411 by Erika Pryor and Tech 411 by Oscar Santana and Todd Moore.

Great advice on when to use pictures in social media

A picture tells a thousand words.

One of my goals in my personal and business use of social media is to post more pictures online.

But how do you determine the best use of pictures without spammimg your followers?

Peter Shankman has a great post on the Nine Best Practices for Linking Photos to Twitter.

What do you think about his tips?

Do you have any to add?

How to make social media work for businesses

Peter Shankman has an inspiring blog about how small businesses can make social media work for them by referring new clients to their businesses through success stories and demonstrating knowledge of a subject.

He gives some great easy-to-use tips.

What advice are you trying for your businesses or clients?